About Kats Bookkeeping

Serving the Peoria & Knoxville, IL area

Bookkeeping in Knoxville, IL

Kats Bookkeeping is located in Knoxville, IL just a few miles from Peoria, IL.  We help small and growing business with their bookkeeping needs.  Our software is QuickBooks Online, which is a cloud-based technology.  QuickBooks will integrate with a wide variety of other applications.



Reduce Stress & Increase Efficiency


Are you tired of all the papers on your desk?  Why not move them to my desk so you have more time to do what needs to be done on growing your business. Bookkeeping needs to be performed efficiently so that your accountant will be able to process your taxes more accurately.

We are here to help take the bookkeeping off of the owners’ plate so they can worry more about growing the business.

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